• Quality Services
  • Competitive
  • Responsive


Over the last fifty years, H.I.S. has rebuilt virtually every possible cylinder configuration from a wide variety of OEM manufacturers.

As our customers needs have changed, we have adapted and changed. One thing that will never change is our commitment to the highest quality products at the right price and the right time.


Our manufacturing processes have been designed to maximize quality and minimize downtime for our customers. We have detailed step-by-step procedures and checklists to ensure uniform procedures. This organization allows us to deliver the best quality products to our customers in the quickest possible time.


Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinder Services


From light duty to heavy duty we rebuild and manufacture them all.

We also offer spare parts and seal kits.

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With a capacity to service bore sizes of up to 96″/2500mm and a test stand that will contain 17 million pounds of force.

Specializing in AGC, Large press, and Furnace Cylinders.

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With a capacity to service rods in length of up to 60 feet/1800cm.

Specializing in Roll Change, Electrode Regulating, and Press Traversing Cylinders.

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From small to large we can handle all of your machining and fabrication needs.

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Cylinder Repair

The highest quality cylinder repair the FIRST time, EVERY time!

While an average rebuild requires two to three weeks from the receipt of the purchase order, Hook Industrial Sales offers emergency rebuild service. Many of our existing customers have had cylinders rebuilt overnight or between Saturday night and Monday morning. Our commitment to customer service is unmatched in the industry. We can deliver emergency service that is vital to insuring our customer’s valuable production time.

  • Repairs that stand up to your original specs
  • Emergency repairs and rebuild
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Quick delivery and expediting
  • Warranty on all cylinder repairs


Hook Industrial Sales, Inc. engineering department specializes in hydraulic and pneumatic design. We can supply our customers with complete 2020 auto cad drawings. We have design and build programs that allow us to meet the specific needs of diverse customers. Additionally, we utilize prototype design to provide the optimal customer product. Our engineering department further assists customers with item upgrades, cad drawings to track the increased life of upgraded items, and reverse engineering services to assess and improve customers’ own quality program


H.I.S. has developed an efficient tracking system designed to ensure customer satisfaction while facilitating our processes. Following design approval by our customers, each job is assigned a tracking ticket that travels with the cylinder throughout our facility. This ticket includes all requirement information and drawings as well as any modifications. Additionally, we maintain detailed records of all customer orders including date received, drawing revision level, quoted price, purchase orders, and projected shipping dates. Our manufacturing processes have been designed to maximize quality and minimize downtime for our customers. We have detailed step-by-step procedures and checklists to ensure uniform procedures. This organization allows us to deliver the best quality products to our customers in the quickest possible time.


Below is a collection of our work.